Specialized Cleaning Prices in Nairobi

house cleaning nairobi, specialized cleaning prices in Nairobi

At Bluestar Professional Cleaners Ltd, we offer a wide range of specialized cleaning services to address the unique needs of different environments and situations. Our specialized cleaning services in Nairobi are performed by trained professionals using advanced equipment and eco-friendly products. Below are our competitive prices for various specialized cleaning services:

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Post-Construction Cleaning prices in Nairobi:

  • Small Site (up to 1,000 sq. ft): KES 10,000 – KES 15,000
  • Medium Site (1,000 – 3,000 sq. ft): KES 15,000 – KES 30,000
  • Large Site (3,000 – 5,000 sq. ft): KES 30,000 – KES 58,000
  • Extra Large Site (over 5,000 sq. ft): Custom quote available on request

Disinfection and Sanitization prices in Nairobi:

  • Small Office (up to 1,000 sq. ft): KES 5,000 – KES 7,000 per visit
  • Medium Office (1,000 – 3,000 sq. ft): KES 7,000 – KES 15,000 per visit
  • Large Office (3,000 – 5,000 sq. ft): KES 15,000 – KES 25,000 per visit
  • Extra Large Office (over 5,000 sq. ft): Custom quote available on request

High-Pressure Washing prices in Nairobi:

  • Driveways and Walkways: KES 5,000 – KES 10,000 (depending on size and condition)
  • Building Exteriors: KES 10,000 – KES 30,000 (depending on height and surface area)

Graffiti Removal prices in Nairobi:

  • Per Square Foot: KES 200 – KES 500 (depending on surface and complexity)

Event Cleaning prices in Nairobi:

  • Small Event (up to 50 guests): KES 5,000 – KES 10,000
  • Medium Event (50 – 200 guests): KES 10,000 – KES 20,000
  • Large Event (200 – 500 guests): KES 20,000 – KES 48,000
  • Extra Large Event (over 500 guests): Custom quote available on request

Crime Scene and Trauma Cleaning prices in Nairobi:

  • Small Area (up to 1,000 sq. ft): KES 20,000 – KES 30,000
  • Medium Area (1,000 – 3,000 sq. ft): KES 30,000 – KES 50,000
  • Large Area (over 3,000 sq. ft): Custom quote available on request

Hoarding Cleanup prices in Nairobi:

  • Per Room: KES 15,000 – KES 30,000 (depending on extent and condition)

Additional Information:

  • Customized Packages: We offer customized specialized cleaning packages based on your specific needs. Please contact us for more information.
  • Flexible Scheduling: We provide flexible scheduling options to fit your busy lifestyle or business operations.
  • Eco-Friendly Products: All our cleaning products are eco-friendly and safe for all environments.

Contact Us for a Quote:

For more detailed information or to request a custom quote, please contact us at:

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