Pre-tenancy House Cleaning in Nairobi

Expert Pre-tenancy House Cleaning in Nairobi

Bluestar Professional Cleaners offers top-tier pre-tenancy house cleaning in Nairobi, ensuring your new home is spotless and ready for you to move in. Our comprehensive cleaning solutions are designed to meet the highest standards, providing a clean and healthy living environment. With our experienced team, advanced techniques, and eco-friendly products, we make sure your new home is in perfect condition before you settle in.

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Why Choose Our Pre-tenancy House Cleaning in Nairobi?

Opting for Bluestar Professional Cleaners for your pre-tenancy cleaning in Nairobi means you benefit from:

  • Experienced Professionals: Our skilled team has extensive experience in pre-tenancy cleaning, ensuring top-notch results.
  • Thorough Cleaning: We provide a detailed cleaning service that covers every corner of your new home, leaving it immaculate and fresh.
  • Eco-Friendly Products: Our cleaning solutions are safe for your family and the environment, using only non-toxic and sustainable products.
  • Customized Services: We tailor our cleaning services to meet your specific needs and preferences.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee: We prioritize your satisfaction and work diligently to exceed your expectations with our comprehensive cleaning services.

Comprehensive Pre-tenancy Cleaning Checklist

Our pre-tenancy house cleaning service includes, but is not limited to:

  • Kitchen Cleaning:
    • Deep cleaning of pre-installed appliances (oven, microwave, refrigerator)
    • Scrubbing and sanitizing countertops, sinks, and backsplashes
    • Cleaning inside and outside of cabinets and drawers
    • Floor cleaning and mopping
    • Removing grease and grime from stovetops and hoods
  • Bathroom Cleaning:
    • Scrubbing and disinfecting toilets, showers, bathtubs, and sinks
    • Cleaning tiles and grout
    • Polishing mirrors and chrome fixtures
    • Removing soap scum and mildew
    • Sanitizing countertops and vanities
  • Living Areas:
    • Cleaning windows, window sills, and tracks
    • Removing cobwebs and dust from ceilings and corners
  • Bedrooms:
    • Mopping floors
    • Cleaning windows and mirrors
    • Organizing and decluttering spaces
  • Additional Services:
    • Cleaning light fixtures and ceiling fans
    • Wiping down doors, door frames, and baseboards
    • Spot cleaning walls and removing stains
    • Emptying trash bins and replacing liners

Benefits of Pre-tenancy Cleaning in Nairobi

Pre-tenancy cleaning in Nairobi, Kenya is essential for ensuring a fresh start in your new home. Our services help to:

  • Ensure a Fresh Start: A thoroughly cleaned home is welcoming and comfortable from the moment you move in.
  • Improve Indoor Air Quality: Removing dust, allergens, and pollutants from your new home.
  • Eliminate Odors: Effective cleaning and sanitization remove any lingering odors from previous occupants.
  • Enhance Home Aesthetics: A clean home looks more inviting and pleasant for you and your guests.
  • Promote Health and Hygiene: Regular disinfection reduces the risk of illness and creates a healthier living space.

Prices for Pre-tenancy House Cleaning in Nairobi

Our pricing is competitive and transparent, ensuring you receive excellent value for our high-quality services. The cost of our pre-tenancy house cleaning services in Nairobi varies based on the size of your home and the specific requirements. Here is a general price guide:

  • Servant Quarter: Starting from KES 6,000
  • 1 Bedroom Apartment: Starting from KES 8,500
  • 2 Bedroom Apartment: Starting from KES 12,400
  • 3 Bedroom Apartment: Starting from KES 13,500
  • 4 Bedroom House: Starting from Ksh 17,400
  • 5 Bedroom House: Starting from Ksh 22,800
  • 6 Bedroom House: Starting from KES 28,000

For a precise quote tailored to your home, please contact us directly.


  • Tani Park, Katani Road
  • 0714 444 516
    0202 444 516


View our 2020 Medical prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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