Residential Cleaning Prices in Nairobi

residential cleaning prices in nairobi

House cleaning services in Nairobi, residential cleaning prices in Nairobi

Residential Cleaning Prices in Nairobi

At Bluestar Professional Cleaners Ltd, we offer affordaple residential cleaning prices in nairobi tailored to meet the specific needs of your home. Our pricing is competitive and transparent, ensuring you get the best value for your money. Below are our detailed prices for various residential cleaning services in Nairobi.

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Occupied House Deep Cleaning Prices in Nairobi:

  • Bedsitter/S.Q.: KES 7,000
  • 1 Bedroom House: KES 10,500
  • 2 Bedroom House: KES 12,400
  • 3 Bedroom House: KES 16,500
  • 4 Bedroom House: KES 19,000
  • 5 Bedroom House: KES 25,000
  • 6 Bedroom House: KES 34,000
  • 7 Bedroom House: KES 53,000

Occupied House General Cleaning Prices in Nairobi:

  • Bedsitter/S.Q.: KES 7,000
  • 1 Bedroom House: KES 10,500
  • 2 Bedroom House: KES 10,400
  • 3 Bedroom House: KES 13,500
  • 4 Bedroom House: KES 17,400
  • 5 Bedroom House: KES 22,800
  • 6 Bedroom House: KES 28,000
  • 7 Bedroom House: KES 46,500

Pre/Post-Tenancy Cleaning Prices in Nairobi:

  • Bedsitter/S.Q.: KES 7,000
  • 1 Bedroom House: KES 10,500
  • 2 Bedroom House: KES 10,400
  • 3 Bedroom House: KES 13,500
  • 4 Bedroom House: KES 17,400
  • 5 Bedroom House: KES 22,800
  • 6 Bedroom House: KES 28,000
  • 7 Bedroom House: KES 46,500

Mattress Vacuum Cleaning Prices in Nairobi:

  • 3 by 6 Mattress: KES 2,500
  • 4 by 6 Mattress: KES 3,000
  • 5 by 6 Mattress: KES 3,500
  • 6 by 6 Mattress: KES 4,000
  • Custom Size: KES 120 per sqare foot

Mattress Steam Cleaning Prices in Nairobi:

  • 3 by 6 Mattress: KES 4,000
  • 4 by 6 Mattress: KES 4,500
  • 5 by 6 Mattress: KES 5,000
  • 6 by 6 Mattress: KES 5,500
  • Custom Size: KES 230 per sqare foot

Carpet Cleaning Prices in Nairobi:

  • Small Carpet (up to 5×8 ft): KES 1,250
  • Medium Carpet (up to 6×10 ft): KES 1,900
  • Large Carpet (up to 7×10 ft): KES 2,250
  • Extra Large Carpet (up to 8×11 ft): KES 3,000
  • Custom quote available on request for larger sizes @ KES 32 Per Square Foot

Sofa Vacuum Cleaning Prices in Nairobi:

  • 1 to 5-Seater Sofa: KES 2,500
  • 6-Seater Sofa: KES 3,000
  • 7-Seater Sofa: KES 3,500
  • 8-Seater Sofa: KES 4,000
  • 9-Seater Sofa: KES 4,500
  • Custom prices available for more seaters

Sofa Steam Cleaning Prices in Nairobi:

  • 1 to 5-Seater Sofa: KES 4,000
  • 6-Seater Sofa: KES 4,500
  • 7-Seater Sofa: KES 5,000
  • 8-Seater Sofa: KES 5,500
  • 9-Seater Sofa: KES 6,000
  • Custom prices available for more seaters

Post-Construction Cleaning Prices in Nairobi:

  • Bedsitter/S.Q.: KES 7,000
  • 1 Bedroom House: KES 10,500
  • 2 Bedroom House: KES 12,400
  • 3 Bedroom House: KES 16,500
  • 4 Bedroom House: KES 19,000
  • 5 Bedroom House: KES 25,000
  • 6 Bedroom House: KES 34,000
  • 7 Bedroom House: KES 53,000

Additional Information:

  • Customized Packages: We offer customized cleaning packages based on your specific needs. Please contact us for more information.
  • Flexible Scheduling: We provide flexible scheduling options to fit your busy lifestyle.
  • Eco-Friendly Products: All our cleaning products are eco-friendly and safe for your family and pets.

Contact Us for a Quote:

For more detailed information or to request a custom quote, please contact us at:

residential cleaning prices in nairobi

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