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Refund Policy

At Bluestar Professional Cleaners Ltd, we prioritize customer satisfaction and aim to provide exceptional cleaning services. Our refund policy is designed to ensure transparency, fairness, and clarity. Please read the following terms carefully to understand our refund process.

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Refund Eligibility:

  1. Service Dissatisfaction: If you are not completely satisfied with the cleaning service provided, please contact us within 24 hours of service completion. We will make every effort to address your concerns and re-clean the area(s) in question. If you are still unsatisfied after the re-clean, you may be eligible for a refund.
  2. Service Cancellation: If you need to cancel a scheduled service, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance. Cancellations made less than 24 hours before the scheduled service may not be eligible for a refund.
  3. No-Show by Cleaners: If our cleaning team fails to show up for a scheduled appointment without prior notice, you are entitled to a full refund for that service.

Refund Process:

  1. Request Submission: To request a refund, please contact our customer service team via email or phone within 24 hours of the service in question. Provide details of the issue, including photographs if applicable. 
  2. Review and Assessment: Our management team will review your request and assess the situation based on the information provided. This process may take up to 5 business days.
  3. Resolution: If your refund request is approved, we will process the refund to your original method of payment within 7-10 business days. If a refund is not approved, we will provide a detailed explanation and work with you to find an acceptable resolution.

Non-Refundable Situations:

  1. Late Cancellations: Services canceled less than 24 hours before the scheduled appointment are not eligible for a refund.
  2. Service Already Rendered: Refunds are not provided for services that have already been satisfactorily completed.
  3. Pre-Paid Packages: Refunds for pre-paid service packages will be prorated based on the number of services already rendered and any discounts applied at the time of purchase.

Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, please contact us at:

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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