Apply for Refund

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Refund Application Form
We understand that sometimes things don’t go as planned. To process your refund request efficiently, please complete the form below with the necessary details. Your information will be handled with care and used solely for processing your refund request. Thank you for choosing Bluestar Professional Cleaners Ltd.
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Your Name
(Please use the phone number used while booking)
(Please Key in your reference number or phone number used while booking)
(Provide the date when the service was provided or the purchase was made)
(Specify the amount you are requesting to be refunded)
(Briefly describe the reason for your refund request)
(Provide any additional information or details regarding the issue that led to the refund request)
(Please Note: There are NO cash refunds)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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